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ID Worker Task Hours Project Asset Deliverable
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Asset Table

ID Worker Task Hours Project Asset Deliverable Evidence Action
1 Saul Review Terms and conditions (Hedera Hackathon) 2 Symbiosis time Project registration no_evidence
2 Diana Create a video to explain our model 10 Symbiosis time Symbiosis video no_evidence
3 Zain Create a video to explain our model 10 Symbiosis time Symbiosis video no_evidence
4 Zain Develop project details 10 Symbiosis time Project registration no_evidence
5 Diana Develop project details 4 Symbiosis time Project registration no_evidence
6 Roland Implement Hedera Interfaces 20 Symbiosis time Symbiosis Demo no_evidence
7 Saul Develop Website draft 4 Symbiosis time Project Website no_evidence
8 Saul Create a website from scratch to register Grunt Funds 20 Symbiosis time Symbiosis demo no_evidence